Sunday, April 28, 2013

Things You Don't Know About Me

  1. I am only quiet at school because I like to hear what you have to say. It has nothing to do with being shy, I just want to listen to you.
  2. I think 'living deliberately' was Thoreau's excuse to run away from his life and don't like him for it. Maybe he just wanted to go write in the woods, but there are things that need to be done so get your butt off that mountain and get to work.
  3. I cried in that dumb whale movie, Big Miracle. It isn't fair that the baby whale died. That shouldn't ever happen. That song, only the good die young, is rude too. Only the unfortunate know the good if it is true.
  4. I only fell for the boy in the first place because he taught me that love wasn't lonely but I love him a lot, and I am really lonely. I wish he was here to remind me that I'm not alone.
  5. I mentioned in a post that I was mostly just afraid of ants and everyone who read that thought I was kidding probably but I wasn't. I really am more afraid of ants than most anything else in the world. The kind of paralyzing, make you hyperventilate, can't even think straight kind of fear and I have no good reason of why.
  6. I am very paranoid about kidnappers. I am scared on will be in the back seat of my car or hiding by the dumpster behind my work and so I have a lead ball on a 6 inch cord on my keys so I can hit them in the temple and run away and a big scary knife in the door of my car so I can stab them. I'm going to get a gun when I can. So don't try and scare me, especially in the dark, because I will try to kill you first and ask questions later.
  7. I started my mission papers today and I am secretly really afraid that the boy won't wait for me when he gets home. Not because I don't think he loves me and wants to marry me, because no one could convince me other wise, but because he isn't very good at being alone and might just marry someone so he doesn't have to be.
  8. I don't know what I would do if it weren't for ice cream. I really, really love it. and I love that a friend and I have gone to get some every time that we have ever hung out and with out talking about it switch of taking turns paying for it. I sometimes call him when I have no money and want ice cream. I think he has done the same though so I don't feel too bad about it.
  9. I sometimes pretend to like people because I hate it when people don't like me. I would rather be your friend even though I didn't like you at all than not be friends and have you dislike me. I think that makes me petty and rude but I don't think I will ever change.
  10. I am so done with high school I almost don't even care about my blog any more and that makes me sad because writing is one of my favorite things in the world to do and I love my blog. I need to get over seniorits before it kills my soul. Also, it is ruining my GPA, but that was a lost cause any way.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you on the blog thing.

    Blogging is the most important thing to me, but I feel like I'm slacking too.

    Maybe your senioritis is contagious.
